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helicopter service中文是什么意思

用"helicopter service"造句"helicopter service"怎么读"helicopter service" in a sentence


  • 直升机航线


  • China offshore helicopter service corporation
  • Mproved helicopter services between hong kong and macau , ( 3052000 )
    港澳直升机服务有所改善( 3052000 )
  • Back in march 2002 , the company was granted an aoc to operate helicopter services
  • " it has been the government s long standing policy to facilitate the development of commercial helicopter services , " the cad spokesman said
  • While the operation of helicopter services is a commercial decision , it is the government s policy to facilitate the development of such services
  • The study is approaching the final stages and its findings will assist us in considering how to facilitate the development of helicopter services in future years
  • As mentioned , during 2004 - 05 , the department will continue to review the demand for helicopter services and provide necessary support to heliport development
    正如提到、处方会在2004 - 05年度继续检讨直升机服务的需求,并为直升机机场发展提供所需协助。
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